J Korean Diabetes.  2012 Jun;13(2):91-94. 10.4093/jkd.2012.13.2.91.

Blood Sugar Control in Alcohol-Consuming Diabetics

  • 1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea. choshua@chol.com


Alcohol influences glucose metabolism in both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals. Moderate alcohol consumption significantly decreases fasting glucose levels, but does not affect postprandial glucose levels. However, acute alcohol intake without food may provoke hypoglycemia. Moderate alcohol consumption may inhibit gluconeogenesis and enhance insulin sensitivity, but excessive alcohol intake (three or more drinks per day) may contribute to hyperglycemia. Daily alcohol intake in diabetics should be limited to a moderate amount (one drink per day or less for women and two drinks per day or less for men). Moderate alcohol intake may have cardiovascular benefits for patients with diabetes, but the trade-off between the cardiovascular benefits versus the potential risk of lower adherence associated with self-care behaviors should be considered.


Alcohol consumption; Blood glucose; Diabetes mellitus; Hypoglycemia

MeSH Terms

Alcohol Drinking
Blood Glucose
Diabetes Mellitus
Insulin Resistance
Self Care
Blood Glucose


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