J Korean Acad Conserv Dent.  2002 Nov;27(6):622-631. 10.5395/JKACD.2002.27.6.622.

Analysis of papers published in the journal of korean academy of conservative dentistry during the last ten years

  • 1Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Konkuk University, Korea.


To understand the recent characteristics of the papers published in the Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry(JKACD), All the papers in the JKACD of 1992 to 2001 were analyzed. A total of 513 papers were classified according to its type, field and subject of the study, school and the number of authors, references, and written language. The results were as follows; 1. According to the type of the paper, 506(98.6%) were original articles, 3(0.6%) were review articles, and 4(0.8%) were case reports. 2. Anual proportion of papers in the field of operative dentistry was similar to that of endodontics. 3. In the field of operative dentistry, esthetic restorative materials and bonding to tooth constituted major subjects of the studies. In the field of endodotics, pulp biology was prominent and canal shaping, endodontic microbiology and canal obturation were steadily reported. 4. According to author's school, similar number of papers were published in the field of operative dentistry and endodontics in general. However, some schools showed preponderances. 5. Most studies were done by two or more authors. Studies published by two authors were most. 6. Fifty(9.7%) papers were done in collaboration with workers of the other field. 7. Average number of references cited in the papers was 41.2, including domestic references of 1.8. 40.7% of the papers was shown to cite no domestic papers at all. 8. Twenty-eight(5.5%) papers were written in English, with increasing ratio.


Analysis of paper; The Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry (JKACD); operative dentistry; endodontics; author; reference

MeSH Terms

Cooperative Behavior
Dentistry, Operative


  • Fig. 1. Distribution of papers according to the publication year.

  • Fig. 2. Distribution of papers according to the subject on operative dentistry.

  • Fig. 3. Distribution of papers according to subject on Endodontics.

  • Fig. 4. Distribution of papers according to main author's school.

  • Fig. 5. Proportion of papers according to number of authors.

  • Fig. 9. Distribution of papers written by English.

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