J Korean Acad Conserv Dent.  2004 Jan;29(1):13-22. 10.5395/JKACD.2004.29.1.013.

Regional bond strength of dentin bonding systems to pulp chamber dentin

  • 1Department of Conservative Dentistry, Division of Dentistry, Graduate School of Kyung Hee University, Korea. choikkyu@khu.ac.kr


No abstract available.

MeSH Terms

Dental Pulp Cavity*


  • Fig. 1 Specimen preparation for micro-tensile bond strength test (Intact dentin group, Pulpal floor group)

  • Fig. 2 Specimen preparation for micro-tensile bond strength test (Axial wall group)

  • Fig. 3 Micro-tensile bond strengths according to location of dentin

  • Fig. 4 Micro-tensile bond strengths according to location of dentin

  • Fig. 5 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SM-control group(×2000)

  • Fig. 6 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SM-axial wall group(×2000)

  • Fig. 7 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SM-pulpal floor group(×2000)

  • Fig. 8 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SB-control group(×2000)

  • Fig. 9 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SB-axial wall group(×2000)

  • Fig. 10 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SB-pulpal floor group(×2000)

  • Fig. 11 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SE-control group(×2000)

  • Fig. 12 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SE-axial wall group(×2000)

  • Fig. 13 SEM photograph of the adhesive interface of SE-pulpal floor group(×2000)


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