Korean J Perinatol.  2002 Jun;13(2):147-153.

Hematologic Findings of Toxemia Mothers and Their Babies

  • 1Department of Pediatrics, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea. yychoi@chonnam.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Obsterics and Gynecology, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea.


Hematologic abnormalities in toxemia mothers and their babies have been documented. The purpose of this study was to explore the hematologic findings in mothers with toxemia and postnatal hematologic findings in their babies. The relationship of hematologic findings between toxemia mothers before delivery and their babies immediately after birth was also examined.
Forty-six pairs of singleton toxemia mothers and their babies born by C-section with 28 to 35 weeks of gestation from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 1999 were enrolled. Fifty pairs of singleton normotensive mothers and their babies with the same gestational period and delivery method were matched for control group. Blood samples of mothers were performed before delivery, and those of their babies, were done immediately after birth, day 3 and 7 of life. Hemoglobin(Hb) concentration, total white blood cell(WBC) count, absolute neutrophil count(ANC), and platelet count were examined.
Toxemia mothers have significantly lower platelet count compared with controls(191,000+/-83,200/mm3 vs. 252,000+/-92,700/mm3, p<0.05). There were no difference between both groups in Hb, WBC and ANC. On the first day of life, Hb was significantly higher(16.97+/-2.36g/dL vs 14.32+/-1.5g/dL, p<0.05), but WBC, ANC and platelet count were significantly lower in babies born to toxemia mothers than those of control group(p<0.05 for all). In babies born to toxemia mothers, Hb was significantly decreased until the seventh day of life(16.97g/dL, 15.48g/dL, 14.61g/dL, p<0.05), however, WBC and platelet count were significantly decreased until the third day of life and then incresed until the seventh day of life(11,832/mm3, 8,334/mm3, 10,104/mm3 for WBC, p<0.05, and 152,220/mm3, 144,720/mm3, 214,090/mm3 for platelet, p<0.05, respectively).
Hemoglobin concentration was significantly higher, whereas WBC, ANC and platelet were significantly lower in babies of toxemia mothers than those of control group. In babies born to toxemia mothers, Hb was significantly decreased until the seventh day of life, however, WBC and platelet count were significantly decresed until the third day and then increased until the seventh day of life. There was no relationship between hematologic findings of toxemia mothers and their babies.


Toxemia mothers and their babies; Hb; WBC; ANC; Platelet count

MeSH Terms

Blood Platelets
Platelet Count
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