J Korean Bone Joint Tumor Soc.  2013 Dec;19(2):87-91. 10.5292/jkbjts.2013.19.2.87.

Diffuse-Type Giant Cell Tumor in Deltoid Muscle

  • 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul, Korea. mozart13@khu.ac.kr


Diffuse-type giant cell tumor is relatively rare than localized giant cell tumor. Moreover, diffuse type giant cell tumor is common in intraarticular area, rarely occurs at intramuscular or subcutaneous layer. We experienced 1 case of giant cell tumor within the deltoid muscle. So we report this case with review of the literatures.


deltoid; diffuse-type giant cell tumor

MeSH Terms

Deltoid Muscle*
Giant Cell Tumors*
Giant Cells*


  • Figure 1. Anteroposterior simple radiograph of the humerus shows about 3.0 cm sized bulging soft tissue lesion at lateral aspect of right upper arm.

  • Figure 2. These are the magnetic resonance findings of the mass. (A) Coronal T1WI shows a mass with lobulations in lateral portion of the deltoid muscle. (B) Coronal T2WI shows low to intermediate signal intensity with heterogeneous enhancement. (C) Axial T1 enhanced image shows high signal intensity with heterogeneous enhancement. (D) Axial T2WI shows low to intermediate signal intensity.

  • Figure 3. (A) Gross examination reveals an ill-demarcated firm brownish mass. (B) The cut surface is nodular with whitish solid appearance.

  • Figure 4. Extraarticular diffuse-type gaint cell tumor infiltrates irregularly into fibroadipose tissue (H&E, ×40).

  • Figure 5. Tumors are composed of multi-nucleated giant cells admixed with round cells and collagen (H&E, ×200).



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