J Korean Assoc Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg.  2002 Nov;24(6):470-481.

The Study On Mandibular Fracture Mechanism Using Dynamic 3-Dimensional Finite Analysis

  • 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Korea. kyukab@nms.kyunghee.ac.kr


The purpose of this study is to investigate fracture mechanism of mandible including TMJ using dynamic finite analysis. We made mandibular finite element model with 3-D doctor (Able Soft Co.USA) based on CT scan film and performed mechanical experiments as to impulsive force direction, impulsive time, impulsive loading to it. At first, the load was applied on the mandibular symphysis, body, angle, subcondyle, and then impulsive stress ditribution was measured on 14 points of finite model. Second,various magnitude of load were applied on madibular symphsis under constant impulsive time, and various impulsive time were done on it under costant loading. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1.The possibility of fracture is the most high in mandibular angle and subcondylar area. 2.The impulsive stress and deformation were larger in labial surface in symphysis and buccal one in subcondylar area. 3.The subcondyle had the most possibility of fracture regadless of impacted area,it might result in multiple fracture in this case. 4.The disc had the tendency to reduce impulsive stress on entire mandible as buffer. 5.Under constant impulsive time, as impulsive loading increased, as the possibility of fracture increased. 6.Under constant impulsive energy, as impulsive time shortened, as the possibility of fracture increased.


TMJ; Finite element; impulsive force

MeSH Terms

Mandibular Fractures*
Temporomandibular Joint
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
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