J Korean Neurosurg Soc.  2002 Feb;31(2):133-138.

Clinical Analysis of the Delayed Post-Traumatic Epidural Hematoma after Hematoma Evacuation

  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea.


The authors analyze the incidence, etiological and prognostic factors between contralateral and ipsilateral delayed epidural hematoma after evacuation of initial hematoma and to formulate recommendations for early detection of evolving hematoma and improvement of outcome.
Between July 1997 and December 1999, 417 patients underwent craniotomy at department of neurosurgery to evacuate an acute posttraumatic intracranial hematoma. Analysis of these clinical and neuroradiologic data showed that we underwent a second operation on 24 patient(5.8%) for removal of delayed epidural hematoma. In 10(2.4%) of these patients the second operation was undertaken to evacuate a new hematoma that had developed at a contralateral side from the initial hematoma. In 14 patients(3.4%), the second operation was to remove a epidural hematoma at the same site as the first craniotomy.
24 patients were divided into two groups. In Group A, 10 patients who developed contralateral delayed epidural hematoma were 31.5 years(11-61) of age and had skull fracture at the site of delayed epidual hematoma formation. Two of these patients revealed severe brain swelling during the evacuation of acute subdural hematoma. Eight of them were diagnosed within 24 hours after craniotomy through immediately postoperative computed tomography scan. In Group B, 14 patients who developed ipsilateral epidural hematoma were 56.1 years(27-75) of age. Six of them had hemorrhagic tendency related to past medical history. Eleven of these patients were associated with thrombocytopenia and consumptive coagulopathy when required second operation. Twelve patients were diagnosed within 48-72 hours after craniotomy due to clinical deterioration or failure to improve. There was no significant difference in outcome between two groups.
The authors sought differential factors between contralateral and ipsilateral delayed epidural hematoma. Delayed epidural hematoma after craniotomy may need an urgent operation or lead to serious complication or disability. Postoperative computed tomography scan, intracranial pressure monitoring and repeat computed tomography scan within 72 hours of injury are strongly recommended in these cases, especially after decompression of cranial cavity.


Delayed epidural hematoma; Consumptive coagulopathy

MeSH Terms

Brain Edema
Hematoma, Subdural, Acute
Intracranial Pressure
Skull Fractures
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