Korean J Gastrointest Endosc.
1996 Oct;16(5):724-732.
Endoscopic Findings of Colonic Tuberculosis
The purpose of this paper is to review the colonoscopic fingings of twenty two patients with colonic tuberculosis which were diagnosed by colonoscopic finding, histopathology, and follow-up observation after antituberculosis chemotherapy at Pusan National University Hospital from January 1992 to December 1994. The results were as follows: 1) The male to female ratio was 1: 1.2, and the average age of the patients was 39.4 years with a slight predominance in women. The age of peak incidence was the 4th decade 40.9%). 2) Abdominal pain(95%), diarrhea(63%), and weight loss(50%) were the most common clinical findings. Others were constipation, melena, and palpable abdominal mass. The location of the pain was right lower abdomen, epigastrium, central abdomen, and left lower abdomen in decreasing order. 3) Hematologic findings showed decrease in hemoglobin level, increase in ESR, and positive CRP(61.5%). The white blood cell counts were mostly normal. 4) The stool examination showed positive occult blood in 7 cases among 18 cases (38.9%). Acid-fast bacteria was observed in stool of one case. 5) On colonoscopy, the lesion sites were ileoeecal valve(75%), ascending colon(72.7 %), terminal ileum(52.6%), cecum(42.9%), transverse colon(31.8%), descending colon (27.3%), sigmoid colon(9%), and rectum(9%) in decreasing order of frequency. Most of them involved ileocecal area. 6) On colonoscopy, the shape of ulcer revealed circular(41%), fusion(36%), and irregular pattern(18%). It found skipped area in 9 cases, pseudopolyp in 8 cases, patency of ileocecal valve in 5 cases, and severe deformity of ileocecal valve in 6 cases. 7) Microscopic finding of biopsy specimens revealed noncaseating granulomatous inflammation in 12 cases, and nonspecific ulcerative inflammation in 10 cases. In conclusion the diagnostic yield may be greatly enhanced by obtaining multiple target biopsies frorn tbe deep portion of the ulcer bed and margins. Judged from the colonoscopic finding and clinical improvement after antituberculosis chemotherapy, more accurate diagnosis can be acquired.