Korean J Gastrointest Endosc.
1991 Nov;11(2):335-337.
A Case of Ampulla of Vater Cancer Diagnosed by Endoscopic Sphincterotomy and Biopsy
Primary ampullary carcinoma is one of rare gastrointestinal malignancies which can be diagnosed by ERCP and endoscopic biopsy. However, sometimes it is difficult to comfirm the diagnosis when the tumor is not exposed out of orifice of ampulla. Recently, we diagnosed early stage ampullary carcinoma using endoscopic sphincetrotomy for the exposure of tumor in 54 year old woman ia whom ERCP revealed rather impacted stone like filling defect in distal common bile duct. we describe a case of papillary adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater diagnosed by edoscopic sphincterotomy.