Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.  2002 Apr;35(4):290-295.

Analysis of Postpneumonectomy Complication without Balanced Chest Bottle

  • 1Department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, College of medicine, Hanyang University, Korea.
  • 2Department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, Kuri Hospital, College of medicine, Hanyang University, Korea.


BACKGROUND: Pneumonectomy carries the possibility of numerous dangerous complications as well as the vast effect the operation itself has on the cardiopulmonary function. Most of operations are done with the insertion of the chest tubes upon completion, but because of the high incidence of pyothorax as its complications, we have tried to analyze and compare the cases without inserting the chest tubes. MATERIAL AND METHOD: During a 5 year period from January, 1996 to December 2000, 100 cases, which were operated at the Hanyang University Hospital, were selected using the patient's charts. The age, gender, indication of operation, associated diseases, and operation site(left or right) were classified accordingly and the postoperative complications and mortality were statistically analyzed using the X2-test. After resecting the lung, the intrathoracic pressure was set at -15~-20cm H2O using the nelaton catheter, and the thoracotomy site was then closed. The gradual collection of the fluid and blood in the thorax of the operated side, as well as the mediastinum location, were observed carefully for 4~5 days postoperatively with the aid of the simple chest x-rays. RESULT: Of the 100 cases, 16 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis(16%), 81 cases of lung tumor(81%), 2 cases of bronchiectasis(2%), and 1 case of aspergilloma associated bronchiectasis were noted. There were 8 mortality cases(8%), and of the 34 cases(34%), 44 complications were noted. The age, sex, and operation site(left or right) were not statistically significant with the complications. 7 of the 16 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis(44%) and 27 of the 81 cases of lung tumor(33%) had complications, but they were found not to bestatistically significant. The increase of the complication rate in the pulmonary tuberculosis patients was 3.86. The evidence of postoperative bleeding was observed in 6 cases with the 3 cases being the pulmonary tuberculosis patients and the 3 cases were others. This shows that the increase in postoperative bleeding in the pulmonary tuberculosis is statistically significant(p=0.019). Of the 100 cases, there were 8 mortality cases(8%), with 5 cases from the 81 cases of the lung tumor group(6.1%), 3 cases from the 16 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis group(18.7%).
The mortality and complication rates of the pneumonectomy operation with or without the insertion of the chest tube were similar to the previous reports, and we can conclude that the pneumonectomy without the insertion of the chest tube is also a good method, and We expect that this method will decrease the infection rate. The high risk group of mortality and complications was the pulmonary tuberculosis patients.


Pneumonectomy; Lung surgery; Complication

MeSH Terms

Chest Tubes
Empyema, Pleural
Postoperative Complications
Tuberculosis, Pulmonary
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