Ann Surg Treat Res.  2014 Feb;86(2):61-67. 10.4174/astr.2014.86.2.61.

The comparison of oncologic and clinical outcomes of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma

  • 1Department of Surgery, Yeungnam University Medical Center, Daegu, Korea.


We evaluate the operative outcome and oncologic outcome of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and compare with open liver resection.
From January 2004 to December 2012, clinical data of 70 patients who underwent laparoscopic liver resection for HCC (laparoscopic liver resection group, lapa-group) were collected and analyzed retrospectively. Control group (open liver resection group, open-group) were retrospectively matched, and compared with lapa-group.
Laparoscopic major liver resections were performed in 4 patients. Laparoscopic anatomical resections and nonanatomical resections were performed in 39 patients, and 31 patients, respectively. Mean operative time was shorter in lapa-group (215.5 +/- 121.84 minutes vs. 282.30 +/- 80.34 minutes, P = 0.001), mean intraoperative transfusion rate and total amount were small in lapa-group (24.28%, 148.57 +/- 3,354.98 mL vs. 40.78%, 311.71 +/- 477.01 mL). Open conversion occurred in 6 patients (8.57%) because of bleeding, inadequate resection, invisible mass on intraoperative ultrasonography, and tumor rupture. In lapa-group and open-group, 3-year disease-free survival rates were 58.3% +/- 0.08%, and 62.6% +/- 0.06%, respectively (P = 0.773). In lapa-group and open-group 3-year overall survival rates were 65.3% +/- 0.8%, and 65.7% +/- 0.6%, respectively (P = 0.610).
Laparoscopic liver resection for HCC is feasible and safe in a large number of patients, with reasonable operative and oncologic results.


Laparoscopy; Hepatectomy; Hepatocellular carcinoma

MeSH Terms

Carcinoma, Hepatocellular*
Disease-Free Survival
Operative Time
Retrospective Studies
Survival Rate


  • Fig. 1 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. AUC, area under the curve.

  • Fig. 2 Overall survival rate.

  • Fig. 3 Disease-free survival rate.

  • Fig. 4 Right glissonian pedicle was clamped by laparoscopic intestinal clamp (A), then demarcation line is noted (B). Right glissonian pedicle is clamped by laparoscopic bulldog (C), then liver parenchyma is transected using an energy device (D).

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