Korean J Gastroenterol.
1999 Dec;34(6):849-853.
A Case of the Adenocarcinoid in the Appendix
An adenocarcinoid in the appendix is very rare, and its histologic and prognostic features are between those of carcinoid and adenocarcinoma. This report describes the case of a 36-year-old man with an adenocarcinoid in the appendix. Three years prior to admission, he received appendectomy due to right lower quadrant pain. However, a chronic colicky abdominal pain persisted and was aggravated for recent 15 days. Initially, we thought that adhesive ileus caused the pain, but the pain was not relieved by the management. Radiologic studies and endoscopic examination showed that the pain might result not from postoperative adhesive ileus but from another unknown disease. Therefore, operation was performed to find out its definite cause. Small bowel resection and radical right hemicolectomy was carried out to confirm the possibility of malignancy or other inflammatory bowel disease such as tuberculosis. Finally, it was diagnosed as an appendiceal adenocarcinoid with ischemic changes. The ischemic changes were attributed to surrounding fibrosis by appendiceal adenocarcinoid.