Korean J Parasitol.  1988 Dec;26(4):245-254. 10.3347/kjp.1988.26.4.245.

Imunological characterization of antigens from cysticercus and sparganum and their application to immunodiagnosis 1. Immunological characteristics of crude antigenic components from Cysticercus cellulosae

  • 1College of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 660-701, Korea.
  • 2Tropical Diseases Unit, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Canada.


We studied the serological reaction between various antigenic components from Cysticercus cellulosae and IgG antibodies in sera of cysticercosis, sparganosis, hydatidosis patients and normal humans by ELISA and EITB. In serological tests by ELISA, we recognized cross reaction of Cysticercus antigenic components with IgG antibodies in heterologous sera such as sparganosis and hydatidosis patients or normal humans. The crude antigenic components of Cysticercus showed lower ELISA sensitivity in homologous sera from cysticercosis patients than heterologous sera from hydatidosis patients. A total of 31 polypeptide bands with 260 KDa-22 KDa molecular weights were detected by SDS-PAGE, and 11 of them showed strong intensity. Total 22 components of them were recognized by IgG antibodies in cysticercosis patients sera. However, 12 of them were recognized also by normal human sera, 11 were by sparganosis sera, and 21 were by hydatidosis patients sera. The crude antigenic components of 104 KDa, 82 KDa, 72 KDa, 59 KDa and 34 KDa molecular weights were nonspecific ones, which cross-reacted with sera of either cysticercosis, sparganosis, hydatidosis patients or normal humans.

MeSH Terms

Spirometra erinacei
Taenia solium
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