Korean J Dermatol.
1992 Apr;30(2):168-174.
Clinical and histopathologic study of sparganosis
- We reviewed the clinical epidermiologic features and skin biopaies of 23 patients who were diagonosed with sparganosis. Clinically, the parasites were obtained from the lesions and confirmed histopathologically. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the elinical, epidemiological, and histopathological charaeteristics of sparganosis. The results are summurized as follows : 1. There were no difference between male (48%) and female (52%) patients. 2. Age distribution, at first visit, were variable, ranging from 7 to 75, with the mean age of 40 years-old. 3. Duration of symptoms were variable, ranging from 10 years to 15 years, with a mean duration of 3 years. 4. Frequency of clinical features were as follows; movable or fixed subcutaneous nodule (16 cases), subcutaneous nodule with pain & focal warmth t.o touch (6 cases), seizure (I case). 5. Number of parasites per lesion were single lesion with single, parasite (21 cases), single lesion with two parasites (2 cases) and three parasites (3 case). 6. Frequency of location of lesion were abdominal wall (8 cases), thigh (4 cases), breast (3 cases), scrotum (3 cases), arm (3 cases), buttoek (1 cases), ciiest wall (1 case), brain (1 case). 7. The histological change of the affected tissue were characterized as follows ; 1) necrotizing and granulomatous tissue with or without parasif os in the lesions. 2) some cases were associated with marked fibrosis or formation of lymphoid follicles. 3) There were many lympho-histocytes, eosinophils, giant cel1s and some plasma cells near the lesions.