Korean J Dermatol.
1989 Feb;27(1):73-78.
A Case of Kerion Celsi Caused by Trichophyton verrucosum
We report a case of kerion celsi caused by Trichophyton verrucosum in a 4-year-old male. He presented painful, tender, indurated, boggy masses discharing pus on the vertex and occiput. Kerion celsi caued by T. verrucosum was diagnosed by the characteristic gross and microscopic findings of the colony on the Sabourauds glucose. agar. The possible source of infection was searched and wq found that he raised the cattles in his house. They had multiple, scaly, whitish plaques on the skin and T. verrucosum was identified from the hairs of the lesions. He had been treated with griseofulvin and prednisolone, and all lesions were cleared leaving partial alopecia in 2 months.