Korean J Clin Microbiol.  2003 Mar;6(1):74-80.

Detection of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis in Pregnant Women Using MYCOFAST(R) Evolution 2 and PCR

  • 1Department of Clinical Pathology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea. leewk@knu.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea.


BACKGROUND: The associations between preterm labor or premature rupture of membrane (PROM) and urogenital infections of pregnant women are reported. Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis are well known as important pathogens of urogenital infections in pregnant women. In routine clinical laboratory, conventional culture for these microorganisms has not been made generally because of the requirements for strict growth condition. MYCOFAST(R) Evolution 2 is an easy and rapid liquid microculture method using metabolism of these microorganisms. Author investigated the relationship between U. urealyticum or M. hominis infections and preterm labor or PROM by MYCOFAST Evolution 2 and PCR. Also it was reviewed that the possibility of substitution of MYCOFAST Evolution 2 for conventional culture method by comparing with PCR methods.
This study was done on 91 pregnant women. They were composed of two groups; group I(n=48) had full-term delivery and group II(n=43) had preterm labor or PROM before the 37th week.Two cervical swabs were made each time. One was used for MYCOFAST(R) Evolution 2 and the other for PCR.
The positivity of U. urealyticum was 39.6% in group Iand 58.1% in group IIby MYCOFAST Evolution 2 and 39.6% and 58.1% by PCR method, respectively. The positivity of M. hominis was 4.2% in group Iand 11.6% in group IIby MYCOFAST Evolution 2 and 4.2% and 7.0% by PCR method, respectively. The positivity of U. urealyticum and M. hominis in group IIwas higher than that in group Ibut was not significant statistically. The concordance rates between two methods were 86.8% for U. urealyticum and 97.8% for M. hominis. It showed good correlation between two methods (U. urealyticum, r=0.736; M. hominis, r=0.835).
The infections of U. urealyticum and M. hominis were related to preterm labor or PROM. Considering vertical transmission to fetus or neonates resulting in perinatal morbidity or mortality, the detection of these microorganisms is important. MYCOFAST(R) Evolution 2 was an easy, rapid and reliable method substituting conventional culture method.


MYCOFAST(R) Evolution 2; Ureaplasma urealyticum; Mycoplasma hominis; preterm labor; Premature rupture of membrane

MeSH Terms

Infant, Newborn
Mycoplasma hominis*
Obstetric Labor, Premature
Polymerase Chain Reaction*
Pregnant Women*
Ureaplasma urealyticum*
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