Endocrinol Metab.  2010 Dec;25(4):249-257. 10.3803/EnM.2010.25.4.249.

Biological Rhythms and Neuroendocrine Systems

  • 1Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, and Brain Research Center for the 21st Century Frontier Program in Neuroscience, MEST, Seoul, Korea. kyungjin@snu.ac.kr


No abstract available.

MeSH Terms

Neurosecretory Systems


  • Fig. 1 Circadian timing system. (A) Various daily rhythms in human. (B) A schematic diagram showing the mammalian molecular clockwork composed of a subset of clock genes forming transcription/translation-based feedback loops.

  • Fig. 2 Circadian rhythm of StAR gene expression. (A) Structure of a murine StAR promoter. E1-4 indicate putative E-box elements. E3 and E4 are functionally recognized by CLOCK:BMAL1 heterodimer. (B) Circadian oscillations of StAR (red) and Rev-erbα (green) promoter activities in Y1 mouse adrenocortical cells recorded at 1-hr of intervals for 2 days.

  • Fig. 3 Central versus adrenal-autonomous regulatory mechanisms underlying the circadian GC rhythm and harmonizing roles of GC in the mammalian circadian timing system (modified from Ref. 13).

  • Fig. 4 Ultradian rhythm of hypothalamic GnRH gene expression. (A) Generation of GnRHp-dsLuc transgenic mice. (B) A schimatic representation of real-time bioluminescence measurement system. (C, D) Pulsatile GnRH promoter activities in cultured hypothalamic slices from both wild-type (C) and Bmal1-/- (D) mice.


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