Ubiquitous Health in Korea: Progress, Barriers, and Prospects
Yountae Lee, Hyejung Chang
Healthc Inform Res. 2012;18(4):242-251. doi: 10.4258/hir.2012.18.4.242.
Development of Mobile Electronic Health Records Application in a Secondary General Hospital in Korea
Wookjin Choi, Min Ah Park, Eunseok Hong, Sunhyu Kim, Ryeok Ahn, Jungseok Hong, Seungyeol Song, Tak Kim, Jeongkeun Kim, Seongwoon Yeo
Healthc Inform Res. 2013;19(4):307-313. doi: 10.4258/hir.2013.19.4.307.
Going Abroad of Korean Health Information Systems
Young Moon Chae
Healthc Inform Res. 2014;20(3):161-162. doi: 10.4258/hir.2014.20.3.161.
Technology Acceptance and Adoption of Innovative Smartphone Uses among Hospital Employees
Byung Chan Moon, Hyejung Chang
Healthc Inform Res. 2014;20(4):304-312. doi: 10.4258/hir.2014.20.4.304.