J Korean Soc Radiol.  2011 Jun;64(6):577-581. 10.3348/jksr.2011.64.6.577.

Peripancreatic Tuberculous Lymphadenopathy Mimicking Pancreatic Neoplasm: A Case Report

  • 1Department of Radiology, Sanggye Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Korea. S2622@paik.ac.kr


Peripancreatic tuberculosis affecting only the lymph nodes is a rare clinical entity which usually raises serious diagnostic problems. We experienced a case of surgically proven peripancreatic tuberculous lymphadenopathy mimicking pancreas cystic neoplasm and report here on the findings of this rare condition along with a literature review.

MeSH Terms

Lymph Nodes
Lymphatic Diseases


  • Fig. 1 Pancreatobiliary CT scan shows a 6 cm-sized, lobulating contoured mass in the pancreas head. A. Precontrast phase : a low attenuated mass with peripheral calcification and an internal highly attenuated lesion is identified. B-D. Pancreastic, portal and delayed phase: peripheral enhancement of cystic mass is noted.

  • Fig. 2 Abdominal sonography shows a lobulating-contoured, heterogeneously low echoic mass (arrowhead) with internal calcification (arrow) with multiple septa in the pancreas head.

  • Fig. 3 ERCP shows normal main pancreatic duct (arrow).

  • Fig. 4 Angiography shows the displacement of the common hepatic artery and proper hepatic artery (A, arrow) and main portal vein with an intact vascular wall (B, arrow).

  • Fig. 5 Histophathogical examination revealing Langhans type giant cells (arrow) (H & E stain, ×200).

Cited by  1 articles

담낭염과 동반된 결핵성 담낭관 림프절염
Tae Gil Heo, Seong Woo Hong, Yeo Goo Chang, Woo Yong Lee, Haeng Jin Ohe, Kyeong Woon Choi, Yun Kyung Kang
Korean J Gastroenterol. 2021;78(4):245-248.    doi: 10.4166/kjg.2021.070.


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