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Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendation on the Use of Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy and Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Shock Wave Therapy to Treat Erectile Dysfunction:The Asia-Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine Position Statement

Chung E, Lee J, Liu CC, Taniguchi H, Zhou HL, Park HJ

Published literature shows low intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LIESWT) and low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) therapy to improve erectile function and penile hemodynamic by inducing neovascularisation and promoting tissue...
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Consensus and Diversity in the Management of Varicocele for Male Infertility: Results of a Global Practice Survey and Comparison with Guidelines and Recommendations

Shah R, Agarwal A, Kavoussi P, Rambhatla A, Saleh R, Cannarella R, Harraz AM, Boitrelle F, Kuroda S, Hamoda TAAAM, Zini A, Ko E, Calik G, Toprak T, Kandil H, Gül M, Bakırcıoğlu ME, Parekh N, Russo GI, Tadros N, Kadioglu A, Arafa M, Chung E, Rajmil O, Dimitriadis F, Malhotra V, Salvio G, Henkel R, Le TV, Sogutdelen E, Vij S, Alarbid A, Gudeloglu A, Tsujimura A, Calogero AE, Meliegy AE, Crafa A, Kalkanli A, Baser A, Hazir B, Giulioni C, Cho CL, Ho CC, Salzano C, Zylbersztejn DS, Tien DMB, Pescatori E, Borges E, Serefoglu EC, Saïs-Hamza E, Huyghe E, Ceyhan E, Caroppo E, Castiglioni F, Bahar F, Gokalp F, Lombardo F, Gadda F, Duarsa GWK, Pinggera GM, Busetto GM, Balercia G, Cito G, Blecher G, Franco G, Liguori G, Elbardisi H, Keskin H, Lin H, Taniguchi H, Park HJ, Ziouziou I, Rosette Jdl, Hotaling J, Ramsay J, Molina JMC, Lo KL, Bocu K, Khalafalla K, Bowa K, Okada K, Nagao K, Chiba K, Hakim L, Makarounis K, Hehemann M, Peña MR, Falcone M, Bendayan M, Martinez M, Timpano M

Purpose: Varicocele is a common problem among infertile men. Varicocele repair (VR) is frequently performed to improve semen parameters and the chances of pregnancy. However, there is a lack of...
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Sperm Vitality and Necrozoospermia: Diagnosis, Management, and Results of a Global Survey of Clinical Practice

Agarwal A, Sharma RK, Gupta S, Boitrelle F, Finelli R, Parekh N, Durairajanayagam D, Saleh R, Arafa M, Cho CL, Farkouh A, Rambhatla A, Henkel R, Vogiatzi P, Tadros N, Kavoussi P, Ko E, Leisegang K, Kandil H, Palani A, Salvio G, Mostafa T, Rajmil O, Banihani SA, Schon S, Le TV, Birowo P, Çeker G, Alvarez J, Corral Molina JM, Ho CC, Calogero AE, Khalafalla K, Duran MB, Kuroda S, Colpi GM, Zini A, Anagnostopoulou C, Pescatori E, Chung E, Caroppo E, Dimitriadis F, Pinggera GM, Busetto GM, Balercia G, Elbardisi H, Taniguchi H, Park HJ, Rosas IM, Rosette Jdl, Ramsay J, Bowa K, Simopoulou M, Rodriguez MG, Sabbaghian M, Martinez M, Sadighi Gilani MA, Al-Marhoon MS, Kosgi R, Cannarella R, Micic S, Fukuhara S, Parekattil S, Jindal S, Abdel-Meguid TAA, Morimoto Y, Shah R

Sperm vitality testing is a basic semen examination that has been described in the World Health Organization (WHO) Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen from its...
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Antisperm Antibody Testing: A Comprehensive Review of Its Role in the Management of Immunological Male Infertility and Results of a Global Survey of Clinical Practices

Gupta S, Sharma R, Agarwal A, Boitrelle F, Finelli R, Farkouh A, Saleh R, Abdel-Meguid TAA, Gül M, Zilaitiene B, Ko E, Rambhatla A, Zini A, Leisegang K, Kuroda S, Henkel R, Cannarella R, Palani A, Cho CL, Ho CC, Zylbersztejn DS, Pescatori E, Chung E, Dimitriadis F, Pinggera GM, Busetto GM, Balercia G, Salvio G, Colpi GM, Çeker G, Taniguchi H, Kandil H, Park HJ, Rosas IM, Rosette Jdl, Cardoso JPG, Ramsay J, Alvarez J, Corral Molina JM, Khalafalla K, Bowa K, Tremellen K, Evgeni E, Rocco L, Rodriguez Peña MG, Sabbaghian M, Martinez M, Arafa M, Al-Marhoon MS, Tadros N, Garrido N, Rajmil O, Sengupta P, Vogiatzi P, Kavoussi P, Birowo P, Kosgi R, Bani-Hani S, Micic S, Parekattil S, Jindal S, Le TV, Mostafa T, Toprak T, Morimoto Y, Malhotra V, Aghamajidi A, Durairajanayagam D, Shah R

Antisperm antibodies (ASA), as a cause of male infertility, have been detected in infertile males as early as 1954. Multiple causes of ASA production have been identified, and they are...
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