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4 results

Palliative Posterior Instrumentation versus Corpectomy with Cage Reconstruction Treatment for Thoracolumbar Pathological Fracture

Bayram S, Akgül T, Altan M, PehlivanoÄŸlu T, Kaya Ã, Özdemir M, Åžar C

STUDY DESIGN: Single-center, retrospective cohort study. PURPOSE: We aimed to evaluate and compare the clinical outcomes in patients who underwent palliative posterior instrumentation (PPI) versus those who underwent corpectomy with cage...
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A Comprehensive Guide to Sperm Recovery in Infertile Men with Retrograde Ejaculation

Gupta S, Sharma R, Agarwal A, Parekh N, Finelli R, Shah R, Kandil H, Saleh R, Arafa M, Ko E, Simopoulou M, Zini A, Rajmil O, Kavoussi P, Singh K, Ambar RF, Elbardisi H, Sengupta P, Martinez M, Boitrelle F, Alves MG, Khalafalla K, Roychoudhury S, Busetto GM, Gosalvez J, Tadros N, Palani A, Rodriguez MG, Anagnostopoulou C, Micic S, Rocco L, Mostafa T, Alvarez JG, Jindal S, Sallam H, Rosas IM, Lewis SEM, AlSaid S, Altan M, Park HJ, Ramsay J, Parekattil S, Sabbaghian M, Tremellen K, Vogiatzi P, Sadighi Gilani MA, Evenson DP, Colpi GM

Retrograde ejaculation (RE) is a condition defined as the backward flow of the semen during ejaculation, and when present can result in male infertility. RE may be partial or complete,...
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Relevance of Leukocytospermia and Semen Culture and Its True Place in Diagnosing and Treating Male Infertility

Sharma R, Gupta S, Agarwal A, Henkel R, Finelli R, Parekh N, Saleh R, Arafa M, Ko E, Zini A, Tadros N, Shah R, Ambar RF, Elbardisi H, Sengupta P, Martinez M, Boitrelle F, Simopoulou M, Vogiatzi P, Gosalvez J, Kavoussi P, Kandil H, Palani A, Peña MR, Rajmil O, Busetto GM, Anagnostopoulou C, Micic S, Alves MG, Rocco L, Mostafa T, Alvarez JG, Jindal S, Sallam HN, Rosas IM, Lewis SE, AlSaid S, Altan M, Park HJ, Ramsay J, Parekattil S, Sabbaghian M, Tremellen K, Khalafalla K, Durairajanayagam D, Colpi GM

The current WHO 2010 manual for human semen analysis defines leukocytospermia as the presence of peroxidase-positive leukocytes at a concentration >1×10 6 /mL of semen. Granular leukocytes when activated are...
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Post-Vasectomy Semen Analysis: Optimizing Laboratory Procedures and Test Interpretation through a Clinical Audit and Global Survey of Practices

Agarwal A, Gupta S, Sharma RK, Finelli R, Kuroda S, Vij SC, Boitrelle F, Kavoussi P, Rambhatla A, Saleh R, Chung E, Mostafa T, Zini A, Ko E, Parekh N, Martinez M, Arafa M, Tadros N, Rosette Jdl, Le TV, Rajmil O, Kandil H, Blecher G, Liguori G, Caroppo E, Ho CC, Altman A, Bajic P, Goldfarb D, Gill B, Daniel Suslik DS, Molina JMC, Gava MM, Cardoso JPG, Kosgi R, Çeker G, Zilaitiene B, Pescatori E, Borges Jr E, Duarsa GWK, Pinggera GM, Busetto GM, Balercia G, Franco G, Çalik G, Sallam HN, Park HJ, Ramsay J, Alvarez J, Khalafalla K, Bowa K, Hakim L, Simopoulou M, Rodriguez MG, Sabbaghian M, Elbardisi H, Timpano M, Altan M, Elkhouly M, Al-Marhoon MS, Sadighi Gilani MA, Soebadi MA, Nasr-Esfahani MH, Garrido N, Vogiatzi P, Birowo P, Patel P, Javed Q, Ambar RF, Adriansjah R, AlSaid S, Micic S, Lewis SE, Mutambirwa S, Fukuhara S, Parekattil S, Ahn ST, Jindal S, Takeshima T, Puigvert A, Amano T, Barrett T, Toprak T, Malhotra V, Atmoko W, Yumura Y, Morimoto Y, Negris Lima TF, Kunz Y, Kato Y, Umemoto Y

Purpose: The success of vasectomy is determined by the outcome of a post-vasectomy semen analysis (PVSA). This article describes a step-by-step procedure to perform PVSA accurately, report data from patients...
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