J Korean Acad Nurs.  2010 Jun;40(3):349-358. 10.4040/jkan.2010.40.3.349.

Estimation of Nursing Costs Based on Nurse Visit Time for Long-Term Care Services

  • 1Department of Nursing, Mokpo National University, Muan, Korea. eunkyung@mokpo.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Nursing, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea.
  • 3Nursing Department, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.


The purpose of this study was to estimate nursing costs and to establish appropriate nursing fees for long-term care services for community elders.
Seven nurses participated in data collection related to visiting time by nurses for 1,100 elders. Data on material costs and management costs were collected from 5 visiting nursing agencies. The nursing costs were classified into 3 groups based on the nurse's visit time under the current reimbursement system of long-term care insurance.
The average nursing cost per minute was 246 won. The material costs were 3,214 won, management costs, 10,707 won, transportation costs, 7,605 won, and capital costs, 5,635 won per visit. As a result, the average cost of nursing services per visit by classification of nursing time were 41,036 won (care time <30 min), 46,005 won (care time 30-59 min), and 57,321 won (care time over 60 min).
The results of the study indicate that the fees for nurse visits currently being charged for long-term care insurance should be increased. Also these results will contribute to baseline data for establishing appropriate nursing fees for long-term care services to maintain quality nursing and management in visiting nursing agencies.


Long-term care; Cost; Nursing services

MeSH Terms

Costs and Cost Analysis
Insurance, Health, Reimbursement/economics
Insurance, Long-Term Care/economics
Long-Term Care/*economics
Nursing Services/*economics
Time Factors


  • Figure 1 Study framework for estimation of nursing cost.


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