Korean J Med Hist.  1995 Jun;4(1):45-66.

A Study on the Korean Traditional Medical Literatures Before Koryo Dynasty

  • 1Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Korea.


So far, the research has not been actively carried out on the oriental medical books of traditional Korean origin, published before Koryo Dynasty. It was attempted in this study for better understanding of current and pre-Koryo Dynasty oriental medicine by introducing and translating those medical books originated from pre-Koryo Dynasty. However, the medical formularies of pre-Koryo Dynasty were written and handed down up to the present rather by Chinese and Japanese medical books. And this study was performed based on these books. It was assumed that Koryonosabang was written by an old master of oriental medicine, Backjaesinjibbang was written by a person who lived in the same period and Sillabubsabang, Sillabubsayugwanbimilyosulbang, Sillabubsabimilbang by a monk doctor during Kokuryo, Backjae and the Unified Silla Dynasty, respectively. Various prescriptions for emergency diseases were introduced in Koryonosabang and many creative clinical treatments were written in Backjaesinjibbang. Those books written during the Unified Silla Dynasty showed medical treatments in conjunction with Buddhism which was major cultural basis during that period. The complete volumes of above mentioned oriental medical books of pre-Koryo Dynasty are not available now, however it can be presumed that the level and quality of Korean medicine of that period was equivalent and even superior to that of Chinese medicine and was even transmitted to Japan as a result.


Koryonosabang; Backjaesinjibbang; Sillabubsa-bang; Sillabubsayugwanbimilyosulbang; Sillabubsabimilbang

MeSH Terms

English Abstract
History of Medicine, Ancient
History of Medicine, Early Modern
History of Medicine, Medieval
History of Medicine, Modern
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