J Korean Diet Assoc.  2025 Feb;31(1):24-37. 10.14373/JKDA.2025.31.1.24.

Comparison of Korean Healthy Eating Index according to Income Level in Elderly: Using 2020∼2021 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  • 1Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Korea


This study examined the KHEI (Korean Healthy Eating Index) in elderly men and women according to their income level using the National Health and Nutrition Survey (2020∼2021) data. The income level was classified into lower, lower middle, upper middle, and upper groups according to the household income quartiles. The significant differences between the KHEI score and three subcategories (adequacy, moderation, energy balance) scores according to the income level showed the same pattern in the elderly total, men and women. Regarding the individual item, the score for the intake of meat, fish, eggs, legumes, total fruit, fresh fruit, total vegetables, and vegetables excluding kimchi and pickled vegetables were significantly lower in the lower income group in total elderly, men and women than in the other groups (P<0.001). Among the items that showed differences between elderly men and women, the ‘regular breakfast’ score was lowest in the upper-income group of elderly men and the ‘mixed grains intake’ score was lowest in the lower-income group of elderly men. These results can be used to help develop nutrition policies and national nutritional interventions for the elderly population according to the income level.


the elderly; income; Healthy Eating Index; breakfast; male; female
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