Ann Geriatr Med Res.  2024 Dec;28(4):437-444. 10.4235/agmr.24.0071.

Associations between Driving Status, Frequency of Transport use after Driving Cessation, and Social Frailty among Middle-Aged and Older Adults

  • 1Department of Rehabilitation, Kirishima Medical Center, Kagoshima, Japan
  • 2Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan
  • 3Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan
  • 4Rehabilitation faculty of Nursing and Welfare, Kyusyu University of Nursing and Social Welfare, Kumamoto, Japan
  • 5Department of Preventive Gerontology, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Aichi, Japan


The use of transport other than cars is a modifiable factor in the association between driving cessation and social frailty. Clarifying this relationship may serve as a new preventive measure against social frailty among current non-drivers. This study examined the potential association of driving status and transport use with social frailty, as well as between the frequency of transport use and social frailty, among current non-drivers.
This study included 977 middle-aged and older adults (average age, 65.3±4.8 years). The participants were classified as transport users (more than a few times a week) and transport non-users (less than a few times a month). Based on driving status and transport use, the groups were further classified into current driver, current non-driver/transport user, and current non-driver/transport non-user groups. The relationships between driving status, transport use, and social frailty were examined using multiple logistic regression.
The current non-driver group and the transport non-user group were significant association with a higher social frailty. The current non-driver/transport user group showed no association with social frailty compared with the current driver group. The odds ratio for the social frailty rate for The current non-driver/transport non-user group was 2.14 (95% confidence interval, 1.25–3.73).
Participants who neither drive nor take transport showed significant associations with increased social frailty. Compared with current driver/transport use, current non-driver/transport non-use was associated with social frailty.


Frailty; Social adjustment; Automobile driving; Environment design; Human activities
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