J Agric Med Community Health.  2024 Mar;49(1):50-58. 10.5393/JAMCH.2024.49.1.050.

Comparison of Leisure Activities of First-Year High School Students in Large Cities and Medium and Small Cities - Focusing on the Influence on Health Status -

  • 1Department of Graduate School of Governance, Sungkyunkwan University
  • 2Department of Health Administration, Joongbu University


The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing the health status of first-year high school students leisure activity time, considering of the city size.
This study utilized the first cohort survey of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. The analysis was used data from survey targeting first-year high school students of 2021. The city size was divided into large cities and medium and small-sized cities, and T-test was conducted to examine differences in factors by city size, and multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify factors influencing health status according to leisure activity time on weekdays and weekends by city size.
In large cities, exercise and physical activity time and other than that, Time to play with friends had a positive effect(+), Time to play with a smartphone had a negative effect(-) on both weekdays and weekends. In medium and small-sized cities, Exercise and physical activity time and Time to play while watching TV had a positive influence(+) on both weekdays and weekends, while Time to play with a smartphone had a negative influence(-).
There were the same questions for factors influencing health status, but other questions also appeared. Leisure activities that have a positive(+) impact on health status by city size are supported so that leisure activities can be actively carried out, while leisure activities that have a negative(-) impact are participate in other leisure activities together to improve health. It is believed that this plan should be considered.


Health status; Leisure activities; High school student
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