Korean J Fam Pract.  2024 Dec;14(4):156-164. 10.21215/kjfp.2024.14.4.156.

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Evaluating the Health Status of Older Adults

  • 1Department of Family Medicine, Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Seoul, Korea


In older patients with chronic and degenerative diseases (multiple morbidities), geriatric syndromes, chronic and complex problems should be comprehensively evaluated. Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) includes simultaneous clinical, medical, and functional evaluation of older patients. The components of CGA include physical, psychological, and socio-environmental content. Exhibiting multiple morbidities, disease severity, multidrug intake (polypharmacy), and vaccinations were evaluated from a physical perspective. Geriatric syndromes should also be evaluated. Functional evaluations included visual acuity, hearing, upper and lower extremity function, gait ability, balance, falls, urinary incontinence, weight change, oral health, nutritional status, and pain. Psychological aspects, such as depression and cognitive function status, were evaluated. The residential environment, degree of family and social support, economic status, and advanced medical directives were evaluated from a socio-environmental perspective. Older patients with functional disabilities should be screened through CGA for various problems and geriatric syndromes. However, these issues require further evaluation, treatment, and management. Thus, the health and quality of life of older adults can be maintained and improved.


Aged; Geriatric Syndrome; Activities of Daily Living; Geriatric Assessment
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