Anat Cell Biol.  2024 Sep;57(3):346-352. 10.5115/acb.24.047.

Reappraisal of anatomical diversity of lateral circumflex femoral artery with its substantial clinical applicability: cadaveric study

  • 1Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bathinda, India
  • 2Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, India


Studies reveal variations in the in the origin, number, and branching patterns of the lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA). The present study aimed to document such variations and their potential clinical applicability. Thirty-two femoral triangles of 16 embalmed adult human cadavers were dissected to investigate the variation in the origin, number, and branching patterns of LCFA. The main branches of the LCFA were tracked independently for numerical variations in branching pattern. The distance between the origin of LCFA and mid inguinal point (MIP) was also measured in each case. LCFA was most commonly arising from profunda femoris (PF), followed by femoral artery (FA) and common trunk of the femoral artery (CFA). Duplication LCFA was observed in 15 (46.87%) limbs, in 5 (31.25%) cases duplication was only on right side, in 4 (25%) cases duplication was only on left side and in 3 (18.75%), duplication was bilateral. Cases with duplication of LCFA, showed numerical variations with descending pattern being the most common. The average distance of LCFA1 and LCFA2 from mid-inguinal point was 5.77±1.35 cm and 6.14±2.05 cm respectively. Detailed information regarding the occurrence of duplication will be great importance for surgeons, interventional radiologists, and other medical professionals performing procedures in the femoral region. Knowledge of variation of branching pattern of LCFA is utmost important as surgeons use the descending branch of the LCFA in bypass grafting and vascular reconstruction surgeries.


Structural variations; Surgical flap; Vascular surgical procedure; Vascular grafting


  • Fig. 1 Showing duplication of lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA) arising from profunda femoris (PF) artery as a common trunk. FA, femoral artery; FN, femoral nerve; LCF1, upper LCFA; LCF2, lower LCFA; R, right; S, superior; L, left; I, inferior.

  • Fig. 2 Duplication of lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA) arising from profunda femoris (PF) artery at different level. FA, femoral artery; FN, femoral nerve; LCF1, upper LCFA; LCF2, lower LCFA; R, right; S, superior; L, left; I, inferior.

  • Fig. 3 LCF1 and profunda femoris (PF) artery arises as a common trunk and LCF2 arises from PF. LCFA, lateral circumflex femoral artery; FA, femoral artery; FN, femoral nerve; LCF1, upper LCFA; LCF2, lower LCFA; R, right; S, superior; L, left; I, inferior.

  • Fig. 4 Showing origin of LCF1 from profunda femoris (PF) artery and LCF2 arise from FA. LCFA, lateral circumflex femoral artery; FA, femoral artery; FN, femoral nerve; LCF1, upper LCFA; LCF2, lower LCFA; R, right; S, superior; L, left; I, inferior.

  • Fig. 5 Showing origin of two LCFA as a common trunk from FA. LCFA, lateral circumflex femoral artery; FA, femoral artery; PF, profunda femoris; FN, femoral nerve; LCF1, upper LCFA; LCF2, lower LCFA; R, right; S, superior; L, left; I, inferior.



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