J Audiol Otol.  2024 Jul;28(3):159-166. 10.7874/jao.2023.00780.

Digital Therapeutics in Hearing Healthcare: Evidence-Based Review

  • 1School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
  • 2Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA


Digital therapeutics (DTx) in hearing research have emerged as a new category of therapies providing evidence-based intervention via digital means, such as software, smartphone apps, or websites. However, although relatively new, they are not well-established. In this article, we review DTx technologies in hearing research fields, focusing on three categories: prevention and diagnosis, aid (assistance), and cure (digital medicine). We observe that most DTx systems require interactions with users (or patients) without the direct support of clinical professionals to obtain or collect medical evidence; this makes training (or education) features crucial to the therapy’s success. In this view, this article discusses the education or training functions of the current DTx and their contribution and purposes. The impact of emerging artificial intelligence (AI) on DTx in hearing research is being explored, and the future of DTx concerning AI integration is being discussed. We believe that this work will contribute to a better understanding of the current and future DTx technological advancements and, in particular, shed light on the field of hearing research.


Digital therapeutics in hearing research; Digital therapeutics; Artificial intelligence DTx
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