J Periodontal Implant Sci.  2021 Dec;51(6):398-408. 10.5051/jpis.2101400070.

Modified tunneling technique for root coverage of anterior mandible using minimal soft tissue harvesting and volume-stable collagen matrix: a retrospective study

  • 1Department of Periodontology, Dental Research Institute, Seoul National University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea


In this study, we aimed to evaluate the clinical validity of the modified tunneling technique using minimal soft tissue harvesting and volume-stable collagen matrix in the anterior mandible.
In total, 27 anterior mandibular teeth and palatal donor sites in 17 patients with ≥1 mm of gingival recession (GR) were analyzed before and after root coverage. For the recipient sites, vertical vestibular incisions were made in the interdental area and a subperiosteal tunnel was created with an elevator. After both sides of the marginal gingiva were tied to one another, a prepared connective tissue graft and volume-stable collagen matrix were inserted through the vestibular vertical incision and were fixed with resorbable suture material. The root coverage results of the recipient site were measured at baseline (T 0 ), 3 weeks (T 3 ), 12 weeks (T 12 ), and the latest visit (T1 ). For palatal donor sites, a free gingival graft from a pre-decided area avoiding the main trunk of the greater palatine artery was harvested using a prefabricated surgical template at a depth of 2 mm after de-epithelization using a rotating bur. In each patient, the clinical and volumetric changes at the donor sites between T 0 and T 3 were measured.
During an average follow-up of 14.5 months, teeth with denuded root lengths of 1–3 mm (n=12), 3–6 mm (n=11), and >6 mm (n=2) achieved root coverage of 97.01%±7.65%, 86.70%±5.66%, and 82.53%±1.39%, respectively. Miller classification I (n=12), II (n=10), and III (n=3) teeth showed mean coverage rates of 97.01%±7.65%, 86.91%±5.90%, and 83.19%±1.62%, respectively. At the donor sites, an average defect depth of 1.41 mm (70.5%) recovered in 3 weeks, and the wounds were epithelized completely in all cases.
The modified tunneling technique in this study is a promising treatment modality for overcoming GR in the anterior mandible.


Gingival recessionGingival recession; Connective tissue; Gingivoplasty
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