Korean J Med.  2024 Jun;99(3):158-163. 10.3904/kjm.2024.99.3.158.

A Rare Case of Acute Pyelonephritis Leading to Bilateral Subcapsular Renal Hematoma: A Case Report

  • 1Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Cheju Halla General Hospital, Jeju, Korea


This case underscores the rarity of bilateral subcapsular renal hematoma (SCH) as a complication of acute pyelonephritis, and this is the first reported case in South Korea. SCH can have various underlying causes, including cysts, bleeding tendencies, cancer, vascular diseases and, less commonly, infections. A patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and alcohol dependency presented with weakness. Bilateral SCH from acute pyelonephritis was diagnosed and treated with antibiotics and renal replacement therapy. Despite improved renal function, 30-day bilateral percutaneous drainage was necessary due to a persistent fever and elevated infection markers, resulting in a bloody, pus-like discharge. This case report sheds light on the rare etiology of bilateral SCH as a result of acute pyelonephritis. It serves as a reminder of the critical importance of timely intervention, to prevent deteriorating outcomes.


Bilateral subcapsular renal hematoma; Acute pyelonephritis; Percutaneous catheter drainage; 양측 신피막하혈종; 급성 신우신염; 경피적 도관 배액술
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