J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ.  2024 May;30(2):124-139. 10.5977/jkasne.2024.30.2.124.

A systematic review on grit among nursing college students in South Korea

  • 1Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University
  • 2Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Gyeongsang National University
  • 3Lecturer, College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University


This systematic review aims to provide an overview of research related to grit among nursing college students in South Korea.
A literature search was done using RISS, KISS, and KCI to identify studies written in Korean from 2010 to 2023.
A total of 210 articles were searched, and a final 26 articles were selected in the analysis based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Three researchers independently coded the characteristics and key content of each paper, including research objectives, methodology, study participants, grit measurement methods, and the relationship between grit and other variables. Subsequently, these coded findings were used to collectively analyze and derive overarching themes through discussion. The analysis results indicated that grit was influenced by factors such as academic major satisfaction, academic performance, and resilience. Grit was found to be a psychological factor affecting nursing students, influencing both major-related competencies and career-related factors.
The findings of this review contribute to a deeper understanding of grit within the specific demographic of nursing college students in South Korea and may inform future research and educational practices. In addition, this systematic review provides a comprehensive understanding of the literature on grit among nursing college students in South Korea and serves as a valuable resource for future research and educational interventions in this context.


Nursing students, Nursing education, Review; 간호 대학생, 간호교육, 문헌고찰
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