J Korean Soc Radiol.  2024 Mar;85(2):474-479. 10.3348/jksr.2023.0016.

Angioinvasive Mucormycosis Mimicking Mass and Pulmonary Thromboembolism in a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome: A Case Report

  • 1Department of Radiology, Chungnam National University Hospital, Chungnam National University School of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea
  • 2Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital, Chungnam National University School of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea


Mucormycosis encompasses a range of fungal infections that can impact various organs. Although pulmonary mucormycosis is relatively rare, it poses a significant threat, particularly to individuals with compromised immune systems. Pulmonary mucormycosis presents with various radiological manifestations. Notably, the involvement of the angioinvasive pulmonary artery in pulmonary mucormycosis cases has seldom been documented. In this report, we showcase the radiological characteristics of angioinvasive mucormycosis, which can mimic pulmonary thromboembolism or a pulmonary artery tumor, in a patient diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome.


Pulmonary Mucormycosis; Angioinvasive Mucormycosis; Myelodysplastic Syndrome; Computed Tomography
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