Restor Dent Endod.  2024 Feb;49(1):e7. 10.5395/rde.2024.49.e7.

Color discrepancy of single-shade composites at different distances from the interface measured using cell phone images

  • 1Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
  • 2Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil


This study aimed to evaluate the impact of substrate color and interface distance on the color adjustment of 2 single-shade composites, Vittra APS Unique and Charisma Diamond One.
Materials and Methods
Dual disc-shaped specimens were created using Vittra APS Unique or Charisma Diamond One as the center composite, surrounded by shaded composites (A1 or A3). Color measurements were taken with a spectrophotometer against a gray background, recording the color coordinates in the CIELAB color space. Illumination with a lightcorrecting device and image acquisition using a polarizing filter-equipped cell phone were performed on specimens over the same background. Image processing software was used to measure the color coordinates in the center and periphery of the inner composite and in the outer composite. The color data were then converted to CIELAB coordinates and adjusted using data from the spectrophotometer. Color differences (ΔE00 ) between the center/ periphery of single-shade and outer composites were calculated, along with color changes in single-shade composites caused by different outer composites. Color differences for the inner composites surrounded by A1 and A3 were also calculated. Data were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance (α = 0.05).
The results showed that color discrepancies were lowest near the interface and when the outer composite was whiter (A1). Additionally, Charisma Diamond One exhibited better color adjustment ability than Vittra APS Unique.
Color discrepancies between the investigated single-shade composites diminished towards the interface with the surrounding composite, particularly when the latter exhibited a lighter shade.


Color; Composite dental resin; Dental restauration; Permanent; Photography dental; Spectrophotometry


  • Figure 1 Illustrative specimens’ images, highlighting the delimited areas used for color measurements. (A) An 8-mm diameter area in the center of the specimen was utilized to adjust the values obtained from image measurements with those obtained from the spectrophotometer. (B) Four 1-mm diameter areas were delimited in the outer composite, along with 4 similar areas in the periphery of the inner single-shade composite. Additionally, a centered 4-mm diameter area was also delimited for measurement purposes.

  • Figure 2 Scatter plots illustrating the color coordinates data of the specimens’ center, which were measured using both the spectrophotometer and the images. Each plot represents a specific color coordinate: (A) L* coordinate, (B) a* coordinate, and (C) b* coordinate. The linear regression equations for each plot are also displayed, depicting the relationships between the measured values obtained from both methods.

  • Figure 3 Color differences measured between the inner single-shade composites and the surrounding shaded composite. Letters indicating the statistical differences in Tukey’s test should be analyzed separately for each surrounding composite shade. Uppercase letters compare the locations of evaluation within the same composite, while lowercase letters compare the single-shade composites within the same location. Statistical differences are denoted by distinct letters (p < 0.05).AT, acceptability threshold; PT, perceptibility threshold.

  • Figure 4 Color differences measured between specimens with outer composite A1 and those with A3 within the same single-shade composite. Uppercase letters compare the locations of evaluation within the same composite, while lowercase letters compare the single-shade composites within the same location. Statistical differences are denoted by distinct letters (p < 0.05).AT, acceptability threshold; PT, perceptibility threshold.


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