J Korean Phys Ther.  2023 Feb;35(1):13-18. 10.18857/jkpt.2023.35.1.13.

Effects of Posterior Oblique Sling Activation on Gluteus Maximus Muscle Activity during Prone Hip Extension Exercises in Healthy Male Individuals

  • 1Department of Physical Therapy, College of Life and Health Science, Hoseo University, Asan, Republic of Korea
  • 2Smart Healthcare Convergence Research Center, Hoseo University, Asan, Republic of Korea
  • 3Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Hoseo University, Asan, Republic of Korea
  • 4Department of Physical Therapy, Division of Health Science, Baekseok University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea
  • 5Department of Occupational Therapy, Chungnam State University, Cheongyang, Republic of Korea


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of posterior oblique sling activation on the muscle activities of the gluteus maximus (GM), multifidus (MF), and biceps femoris (BF) during three different prone hip extension exercises in healthy male individuals.
Twenty healthy subjects participated in this study. An electromyography device was used to measure the muscle activities of the GM, MF, and BF. Each subject was asked to perform three different prone hip extensions as follows: [1) Prone hip extension with knee flexion + hip abduction 30°; PHE1, 2) Prone hip extension with knee flexion + hip abduction 30° and shoulder abduction 125°; PHE2, 3) Prone hip extension with knee flexion + hip abduction 30° and shoulder abduction 125° with 1kg loading; PHE3, in random order. A oneway repeated measures analysis of the variance and a Bonferroni post hoc test were used to analyze the results. The statistical signifi- cance was set at α= 0.01.
The muscle activity of the GM was significantly different between the three positions (Padj < 0.01). The muscle activity of the GM was significantly greater during PHE3 compared with PHE1 and PHE2 (Padj < 0.01). The BF muscle activity was significantly lower during PHE3 compared with PHE1 and PHE2 (Padj < 0.01). There was no significant difference in the muscle activity of the MF (Padj < 0.01). The ratio of the muscle activity (ratio= GM/BF) during PHE3 was significantly greater compared to PHE1 and PHE2 (Padj < 0.01).
The GM activity and GM/BF ratio during the PHE3 exercise were significantly greater compared to that during PHE1 and PHE2. Therefore, the PHE3 exercise could be recommended as a selectively effective GM activation exercise while decreasing the muscle activity of the BF.


Prone hip extension; Posterior oblique sling muscle; Gluteus maximus; Multifidus; Biceps femoris
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