Asian Oncol Nurs.  2023 Sep;23(3):102-113. 10.5388/aon.2023.23.3.102.

The Reliability and Validity of a Korean version of the Quality of Life in Life Threatening Illness - Family Carer Version 3: Focused on the families of patients with terminal cancers

  • 1Professor, College of Nursing, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea
  • 2Professor, Department of Nursing, Korea National University of Transportation, Jeungpyeong, Korea
  • 3Associate Professor, College of Health Science, Department of Nursing, Kangwon National University, Samcheok, Korea


This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Quality of Life in LifeThreatening Illness - Family Carer Version 3 (QOLLTI-F v3) among Korean family caregivers of patients with terminal cancers.
A total of 198 family caregivers of terminal cancer patients were investigated using the Korean version of QOLLTI-F v3. Its psychometric properties were examined in terms of factor structure, convergent validity, discriminant validity, criterion validity and internal consistency.
The convergent validity of the Korean version of QOLLTI-F v3 showed that the standardized regression weights for each item were above .50 except for two out of 16 items, the average variance extracted was above .50 for four out of five factors, and the critical ratio ranged from .50 to .85. The discriminant validity of the items across all factors was confirmed. The value for Cronbach’s α of 16 items was .84.
The Korean version of the QOLLTI-F v3 is a reliable instrument with acceptable convergent and high discriminant validity for measuring the quality of life of families of people with life-threatening illnesses, including families of people with terminal cancers.


Quality of life; Family; Neoplasms; Reproducibility of results; Surveys and questionnaires
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