J Nutr Health.  2023 Jun;56(3):315-329. 10.4163/jnh.2023.56.3.315.

Study on the consumption practices and Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of meal-kit selection attributes among adults in their 20s and 30s

  • 1Department of Food and Nutrition, Daegu University, Gyeongsan 38453, Korea


This study examined the meal-kit consumption practices of adults in their 20s and 30s and analyzed the properties that should be given priority for improvement among the selection attributes to improve the quality of meal-kits.
Statistical analyses were conducted using the SPSS program (ver. 28.0) for χ2-test, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Duncan’s multiple range test, factor analysis, and Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA).
Of the 249 subjects surveyed, 85.5% had some experience of purchasing meal-kits, with significantly more females than males (p < 0.01), significantly more married people than single people (p < 0.05), significantly more employed people than unemployed people (p < 0.05). Meal-kits were purchased most frequently for meals (60.6%), from discount stores or supermarkets (44.6%), and priced between 10,000 won and 20,000 won per person (46.9%). The overall satisfaction with meal-kits was 4.1 out of 5.0 points. The frequency of purchases was Korean soup dishes (69.5%), Korean main dishes (47.4%), and Korean street snacks (46.9%). Factor analysis of the meal-kit selection attributes revealed, 4 factors: ‘quality of food,’ ‘packaging and diversity,’ ‘quality of meal-kit,’ and ‘convenience and price.’ Compared to single-person households, multi-person households placed significantly higher importance on the ‘quality of food,’ ‘packaging and diversity,’ and ‘quality of meal-kit.’ The factor, ‘packaging and diversity’ were significantly higher in the importance evaluation scores for females (p < 0.01), married people (p < 0.05), and people in their 30s (p < 0.05) among meal-kit consumers. According to the ISA results, a critical aspect that meal-kit manufacturers or sellers should strengthen is ‘price.’
Meal-kit products will need to be developed for various purposes that offer high value for money that can satisfy the consumers’ needs to improve the satisfaction of meal-kit consumers.


meal-kit; satisfaction; meal; quality; price
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