J Korean Acad Oral Health.  2022 Dec;46(4):207-211. 10.11149/jkaoh.2022.46.4.207.

The effect of quality of life and interpersonal relationship satisfaction on academic achievement in dental hygiene students

  • 1Asmile Dental Hospital, Daejeon, Korea
  • 2Department of Dental Hygiene, Andong Science College, Andong, Korea


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of quality of life and interpersonal relationship satisfaction on academic achievement among dental hygiene students.
A survey was conducted on 210 dental hygiene students from Chungcheong, Jeolla, and Gyeongsang.
The factors affecting the academic achievement of dental hygiene students were interpersonal relationship satisfaction (β=0.489), quality of life (β=0.243), and grade_dum3 (<2.5/≥3.5; β=0.206). The most significant factor was interpersonal satisfaction, with an explanatory power of 37%.
As a result of the above, it was found that quality of life and interpersonal satisfaction were closely related to the academic achievement of dental hygiene students. Further research on ways to improve academic achievement is needed.


Academic achievement; Dental hygiene students; Interpersonal relationship; Quality of life



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