Anat Cell Biol.  2022 Dec;55(4):483-496. 10.5115/acb.22.088.

Morphological, ultrastructural, and biochemical changes induced by sodium fluoride in the tongue of adult male albino rat and the ameliorative effect of resveratrol

  • 1Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharqia Governorate, Egypt


Little knowledge is available about the effects of fluoride exposure on the tongue. This study evaluated the effects of sodium fluoride (NaF) on the tongue ultrastructure and detected the ameliorative effects of resveratrol. Forty adult albino rats were separated into 4 groups: the control group was given a balanced diet and purified water. The NaF treated group: received 10 mg/kg/d dissolved in 2.5 ml distilled water once daily for 30 days orally. The NaF+resveratrol group: received NaF 10 mg/ kg/d orally together with resveratrol in a dose of 30 mg/kg daily for 30 days. The resveratrol group was subjected to resveratrol in a dose of 30 mg/kg/d by oral gavage for 30 days. Sections were stained with hematoxylin & eosin, and Masson’s trichrome. Tumor necrosis factor α immunohistochemical study and electron microscopic examinations were done. The oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde, antioxidant reduced glutathione, and the total antioxidant capacity were measured. The NaF group revealed ulceration, necrotic muscle fibers, distorted papillae and a significant increase in malondialdehyde level, and a significant decrease in glutathione and the total antioxidant levels. In the NaF+resveratrol group, pathological changes were less, and the oxidant levels were decreased by the administration of resveratrol with NaF. In conclusion, NaF adversely affects the ultrastructure of the adult rat tongue and resveratrol can ameliorate this effect.


Sodium flouride; Resveratrol; Tongue; Rat; Electron microscopy


  • Fig. 1 A photomicrograph shows the gross morphological changes of the albino rat tongue induced by sodium fluoride and their amelioration by resveratrol. (A) Control group shows a normal appearance of the rat tongue. (B) NaF treated group, displays a red tongue with marked congestion of the dorsal surface over the intermolar prominence (im) and ulcers (arrows) on the anterior part of the dorsal surface. (C) NaF+resveratrol group shows marked improvement but still shows some congestion in the posterior part of the dorsal surface over the intermolar prominence (im). (D) Resveratrol group exhibits a normal appearance of the rat tongue which looks like the control group. NaF, sodium fluoride.

  • Fig. 2 H&E-stained sections show the pathological changes of the albino rat tongue induced by sodium fluoride and their amelioration by resveratrol. The control group (A–D): (A, B) Long pointed filiform papillae (F) with overlaying keratinized layer (arrows), lamina propria (l), the muscle layer fibers (M) arranged in the different directions (curved arrows), serous (sg) and mucous (mg) lingual glands. (C) Mushroom-shaped fungiform papilla (Fg) with centrally situated taste bud (arrowhead). (D) Muscle fibers are arranged in the different directions (curved arrows) with vesicular nuclei (N). The NaF treated group (E–H): (E, F) Atrophied and short filiform papilla (F*) with a flattened end (F**), inflammatory aggregations (thick arrow) in the lamina propria (l), and the muscle layer (M). The necrotic muscle fibers (crossed curved arrow) and complete necrotic areas with substance loss (star). (G) Deformed fungiform papillae (Fg) with degenerated taste bud (arrowhead) and several vacuolations (v). (H) Separation (*) and fragmentation of the muscle fibers (dotted arrow), necrotic muscle fibers (crossed curved arrow) with pyknotic nuclei (N*), complete necrotic areas with substance loss (star), congested blood capillaries (c), lymphatic capillaries (c*). NaF+resveratrol group (I–L): (I, J) Filiform papillae (F) are less atrophied, some filiform papillae with a flattened end (F**), keratinized layer (arrow), lamina propria (l), muscle layer (M), normal muscle layer fibers (curved arrow), necrotic muscle fibers (crossed curved arrow), complete necrotic areas with substance loss (star), adipose tissue (x). (K) Less deformed fungiform papilla (Fg) with normal centrally situated taste bud (arrowhead). (L) Normal muscle layer fibers (curved arrow) with vesicular nuclei (N), necrotic muscle fibers (crossed curved arrow), fragmented muscle fibers (dotted arrow), and adipose tissue (x). The resveratrol group (M–P): (M, N) Long pointed filiform papillae (F) with overlaying, lamina propria (l), the muscle layer fibers (M). (O) Mushroom-shaped fungiform papilla (Fg) with centrally situated taste bud (arrowhead). (P) Muscle fibers are arranged in the different directions (curved arrow) with vesicular nuclei (N), and adipose tissue (x). H&E staining; (A, E, I, M) ×100, scale bars=200 µm; (B–D, F, G, J–L, N–P) ×400, scale bars=50 µm.

  • Fig. 3 The albino rat tongue sections reveal the collagen fibers and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) immune expression changes induced by sodium fluoride and their amelioration by resveratrol. (A) Control group shows a little amount of blue-stained collagen fibers (arrow) in the lamina propria. (B) NaF treated group shows an excess amount of blue-stained collagen fibers (arrow) in the lamina propria. (C) NaF+resveratrol group shows a moderate amount of the blue-stained collagen fibers (arrow) in the lamina propria. (D) Resveratrol group shows a little amount of the blue-stained collagen fibers (arrow) in the lamina propria. (E) Control group shows a negative TNF-α immunoreaction in the papillary epithelium (arrow), the lamina propria (curved arrow), and the muscle fibers (thick arrow). (F) NaF treated group displays a strong positive cellular cytoplasmic TNF-α immunoreaction in the papillary epithelium (arrow), the lamina propria (curved arrow), and the muscle fibers (thick arrow). (G) NaF+resveratrol group displays a weak positive cellular cytoplasmic TNF-α immunoreaction in the papillary epithelium (arrow) and a moderate positive immunoreaction in the lamina propria (curved arrow) and the muscle fibers (thick arrow). (H) Resveratrol group exhibits a negative cellular cytoplasmic TNF-α immunoreaction in the papillary epithelium (arrow), the lamina propria (curved arrow), and the muscle fibers (thick arrow). (A–D) Masson’s trichrome staining, ×100, scale bars=200 µm; (E–H) TNF-α immunohistochemical staining, ×400, scale bars=50 µm; Inset higher magnification figures: ×1,000, scale bars=20 µm.

  • Fig. 4 A scanning electron photomicrograph shows the pathological changes of the albino rat tongue induced by sodium fluoride and their amelioration by resveratrol. The control group (A, B): (A) Numerous elongated filiform papillae (F) with pointed tip (arrow) oriented in one direction (×270, scale bar=50 µm). (B) Fungiform papillae (Fg) are seen among the filiform papillae (F) with a taste pore (curved arrow) on its surface (×350, scale bar=50 µm). NaF treated group (C–F): (C, D) Filiform papillae (F) with flattened tip (arrows) and epithelial exfoliation in the filiform papillae (dotted arrows), clarified also in the inset figure which shows higher magnification view. The fungiform papillae (Fg) with a taste pore (curved arrow) on its surface show epithelial exfoliation (arrowheads) (C: ×270, scale bar=50 µm; the inset figure: ×1,400, scale bar=10 µm; D: ×370, scale bar=50 µm). (E, F) Wide areas of papillary loss (stars) and markedly distorted filiform papillae (F) with loss of its elongated appearance and typical features (thick arrow), other papillae with extensive exfoliations (dotted arrows) with flattened tip (arrow) (E: ×250, scale bar=100 µm; F: ×750, scale bar=20 µm). NaF+resveratrol group (G, H): (G) Filiform papillae (F) with preserved elongated appearance and pointed tips (arrows) and a minor exfoliation (dotted arrow) in the filiform papillae (×350, scale bar=50 µm). (H) Minor epithelial exfoliation (dotted arrow) in the filiform papillae with pointed tip (arrow). The fungiform papillae (Fg) show little epithelial exfoliation (arrowhead) (×500, scale bar=50 µm). Resveratrol group (I, J): The numerous elongated filiform papillae (F) with pointed tips (arrows) oriented in one direction and the fungiform papillae (Fg) were seen among the filiform papillae (I: ×200, scale bar=100 µm; J: ×450, scale bar=50 µm).

  • Fig. 5 A transmission electron photomicrograph shows the pathological changes in the albino rat tongue induced by sodium fluoride and their amelioration by resveratrol. Control group (A, B): (A) Parallel myofibrils (f), well-recognized z lines (arrowhead), and the mitochondria (m) between the myofibrils. (B) Euchromatic oval nucleus (N), mitochondria (m) below the sarcolemma (curved arrow), parallel myofibrils (f), and well-recognized z lines (arrowhead). NaF treated group (C–E): (C) Atrophied, widely separated (*) and fragmented (arrows) myofibrils, areas with myofibrils loss (star), poorly observed to absent z lines (arrowhead), small and fragmented mitochondria (m). (D) Pyknotic nucleus (N), atrophied widely separated (*) and fragmented (arrows) myofibrils, areas with myofibrils loss (star), poorly observed to absent z lines (arrowhead), small and fragmented mitochondria (m). (E) Congested blood vessel (BV), atrophied, widely separated (*), and fragmented myofibrils (arrow). NaF+resveratrol group (F, G): (F) Parallel myofibrils (f), well-recognized z lines (arrowhead), mitochondria (m) between the myofibrils. Some atrophied myofibrils with little separation (*), a small area with myofibrils loss (star). (G) Euchromatic oval nucleus (N), Parallel myofibrils (f), well-recognized z lines (arrowhead), mitochondria (m). (H) Resveratrol group shows parallel myofibrils (f), well recognized z lines (arrowhead), mitochondria (m) between the myofibrils. (A–D, F, G) ×4,000, scale bar=5 µm; (E) ×6,000, scale bar=10 µm; (H) ×10,000, scale bar=2 µm.

  • Fig. 6 Bar chart showing (A) Statistical comparison of the tongue weight, area percentage (AP) of the collagen fibers, and the optical density (OD) of tumor necrosis factor α immune-reaction among the 4 groups using one way ANOVA test and least significant difference (LSD) post-hoc test. (B) Statistical comparison of the malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), and the total antioxidant capacity tissue levels of the tongue among the 4 groups using one way ANOVA test and LSD post-hoc test. Comparison in relation to the control group, ***P<0.001; comparison in relation to the NaF treated group, ##P<0.01, ###P<0.001.



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