Clin Pain.  2022 Jun;21(1):32-37. 10.35827/cp.2022.21.1.32.

Relationship between Anconeus Epitrochlearis and Ulnar Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity

  • 1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Goyang, Korea


To determine the incidence of anconeus epitrochlearis (AE) muscle and evaluate the correlation between AE muscle and ulnar motor nerve conduction velocity (NCV). Method: Forty healthy volunteers (80 arms) were evaluated. Ulnar motor nerve conduction study was performed. NCVs at the forearm and across the elbow were calculated. Ultrasonography (US) was used to obtain a transverse scan view of the cubital tunnel and confirm the presence of the AE muscle. Cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of following structures were obtained: ulnar nerve (UNCSA), cubital tunnel (CTCSA), and AE (AECSA). AECSA was divided by CTCSA to obtain the AE/CT ratio. Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) was calculated to evaluate the relationship between NCV across elbow and each variable obtained by US.
Sixty-three (78.75%) of eighty arms showed the presence of AE muscle. NCV had no significant correlations with sonographic variables. However, when 17 arms with a relatively low NCV value (≤ 60 m/s) were analyzed, NCV showed significant correlations with AECSA (PCC: r = −0.674, p=0.003) and AE/CT ratio (PCC: r = −0.516, p=0.034).
When all 63 cases with AE muscle were analyzed, ulnar NCV showed no significant correlations with sonographic variables. However, when those with NCV value of 60 m/s or less were analyzed, NCV showed significant negative correlations with AECSA and AE/CT ratio.


Ulnar nerve; Anatomic variation; Ultrasonography; Ulnar nerve compression syndrome; Correlation study
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