Korean Med Educ Rev.  2022 Feb;24(1):35-45. 10.17496/kmer.2022.24.1.35.

Education  Topics  for  the  Development  of  Doctors’ Public  Healthcare  Competencies

  • 1Professor Emeritus, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


Needs for public healthcare have recently increased. This paper proposes education topics for competency development in public healthcare in line with the needs of the times. In Korea, various lifelong education providers have already provided public health-related education. For example, the Research Institute for Health Policy (RIHP) under the Korean Medical Association provided an “executive course for physicians’ public health care competencies” in 2019 and 2020. At the end of the course, the RIHP published a comprehensive report, entitled “Curricular development and evaluation for doctors’ public healthcare competencies.” This article is based on a summary of that report. To develop a curriculum for public healthcare, the RIHP adopted the following methodologies for a needs analysis; reviewing already-existing education subjects, evaluating end-of-course reports, and conducting in-depth focused group interviews and questionnaire surveys with doctors at public healthcare-related institutions. The results from the needs analysis can be categorized into two domains of education topics for public healthcare. The first domain includes education subjects related to the theory and practice of public healthcare, as follows: a general overview, community or population health, organizational administration, planning and evaluation, budget and finance, responses to disasters such as infectious diseases, health policy, and the legal system. The second domain contained education topics related to general professional competencies: leadership, communication, cooperation, teamwork, and professionalism. In conclusion, the curricular content for public healthcare will be an appropriate combination of competencies specific to public healthcare and core competencies for health professionals.


petency; Education topics; Public healthcare
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