Arch Hand Microsurg.  2021 Dec;26(4):231-237. 10.12790/ahm.21.0127.

Comparison of Results Based on the Number of Kirschner Wires of Different Diameters in Antegrade Intramedullary Fixation of Fifth Metacarpal Neck Fractures

  • 1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gwangmyeong Sungae General Hospital, Gwangmyeong, Korea


The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical and radiological results of patients with fifth metacarpal neck fractures using different sizes and numbers of Kirschner wires (K-wire).
A single institutional retrospective review identified 67 patients with a fifth metacarpal neck fracture between January 2015 and July 2020. The minimum follow-up time was 6 months and they were all treated within 6.4 days of the initial injury. Either one K-wire (1.6 mm), two K-wires (1.1 mm), or three K-wires (0.9 mm) was used. We analyzed the bone union period, and K-wire removal period, duration of surgery, total active motion, intramedullary diameter, pre/postoperative shortening, and pre/postoperative angulation clinically. We used a Method of Shortening Stipulated to measure shortening and the Medullary Canal-lateral view method for angulation. The intramedullary diameter was measured in the mid-shaft of the fifth metacarpal bone in the coronal view. Total active motion was measured at the time of follow-up in our outpatient department.
Clinical and radiological parameters showed no statistically significant differences. Even though it did not present a statistical significance, the absolute mean duration of surgery was the shortest in a single K-wire group.
The clinical and radiological outcomes of surgery were comparable regardless of the number of K-wires inserted. However, we could look forward to gaining potential benefit from shortened operation time in a single K-wire group. Since stable fixation can be obtained even if one K-wire is used, inserting one thick K-wire into the intramedullary canal can be an alternative according to the surgeon’s preference.


Metacarpal bones; Neck; Fracture; Bone wires


  • Fig. 1. (A) The hole was drilled using an awl, taking care not to perforate the cortical bone on the opposite side. (B) A pre-bent Kirschner wire (K-wire) with smooth distal ends is inserted distally into the metacarpal through the hole. The tip of the K-wire is advanced to the metacarpal head.

  • Fig. 2. These are each case of using one, two, and three Kirschner wires for the intramedullary fixation of the fifth metacarpal neck fracture.

  • Fig. 3. (A) Measurement using a Method of Shortening Stipulated at the anteroposterior view. A red line was drawn through the most distal point of the heads of the neighboring third and fourth metacarpals. The shortening was defined as the distance from this line to the most distal point of the fractured fifth metacarpals (white). (B) Measurement using Medullary Canal-lateral view method at the lateral view. The distal line (red) was drawn from the mid-medullary point in the center of the neck fracture to the most distal point of the meatcarpal head, and the proximal line (yellow) centrally through the shaft medullary canal.


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