Healthc Inform Res.  2021 Oct;27(4):298-306. 10.4258/hir.2021.27.4.298.

Five-Class Classification of Cervical Pap Smear Images: A Study of CNN-Error-Correcting SVM Models

  • 1Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Malaysia


Different complex strategies of fusing handcrafted descriptors and features from convolutional neural network (CNN) models have been studied, mainly for two-class Papanicolaou (Pap) smear image classification. This paper explores a simplified system using combined binary coding for a five-class version of this problem.
This system extracted features from transfer learning of AlexNet, VGG19, and ResNet50 networks before reducing this problem into multiple binary sub-problems using error-correcting coding. The learners were trained using the support vector machine (SVM) method. The outputs of these classifiers were combined and compared to the true class codes for the final prediction.
Despite the superior performance of VGG19-SVM, with mean ± standard deviation accuracy and sensitivity of 80.68% ± 2.00% and 80.86% ± 0.45%, respectively, this model required a long training time. There were also false-negative cases using both the VGGNet-SVM and ResNet-SVM models. AlexNet-SVM was more efficient in terms of running speed and prediction consistency. Our findings also showed good diagnostic ability, with an area under the curve of approximately 0.95. Further investigation also showed good agreement between our research outcomes and that of the state-of-the-art methods, with specificity ranging from 93% to 100%.
We believe that the AlexNet-SVM model can be conveniently applied for clinical use. Further research could include the implementation of an optimization algorithm for hyperparameter tuning, as well as an appropriate selection of experimental design to improve the efficiency of Pap smear image classification.


Cervix Uteri, Diagnosis, Nerve Net, Papanicolaou Test, Support Vector Network


  • Figure 1 Cervical cell classes: (A) normal squamous, (B) normal columnar, and (C) low-grade dysplasia; (D) high-grade dysplasia (HGD) with moderate dysplasia, (E) HGD with severe dysplasia, and (F) carcinoma in situ.

  • Figure 2 Joint CNN-SVM framework and the classification pipeline. CNN: convolutional neural network, SVM: support vector machine, fc: fully connected, CIS: carcinoma, HGD: high grade, LGD: low grade dysplasia, NC: normal columnar, NS: normal squamous.

  • Figure 3 Confusion matrices and performance curves of the best-performing models: (A) AlexNet-SVM, (B) VGG19-SVM, and (C) ResNet50-SVM. CIS: carcinoma, HGD: high grade, LGD: low grade dysplasia, NC: normal columnar, NS: normal squamous, SVM: support vector machine.

  • Figure 4 Classification sensitivity and sensitivity and area under the curve (AUC) values by cervical cell class of the best-performing AlexNet-SVM, VGG19-SVM, and ResNet50-SVM models. CIS: carcinoma, HGD: high grade, LGD: low grade dysplasia, NC: normal columnar, NS: normal squamous, SVM: support vector machine.



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