Healthc Inform Res.  2021 Jul;27(3):222-230. 10.4258/hir.2021.27.3.222.

Automatic Pectoral Muscle Removal and Microcalcification Localization in Digital Mammograms

  • 1Automatics Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP), Risaralda, Colombia
  • 2Data Analysis and Computational Sociology Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP), Risaralda, Colombia


Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women, and microcalcification (MCC) clusters act as an early indicator. Thus, the detection of MCCs plays an important role in diagnosing breast cancer.
This paper presents a methodology for mammogram preprocessing and MCC detection. The preprocessing method employs automatic artefact deletion and pectoral muscle removal based on region-growing segmentation and polynomial contour fitting. The MCC detection method uses a convolutional neural network for region-of-interest (ROI) classification, along with morphological operations and wavelet reconstruction to reduce false positives (FPs).
The methodology was evaluated using the mini-MIAS and UTP datasets in terms of segmentation accuracy in the preprocessing phase, as well as sensitivity and the mean FP rate per image in the MCC detection phase. With the mini-MIAS dataset, the proposed methods achieved accuracy scores of 99% for breast segmentation and 95% for pectoral segmentation, a sensitivity score of 82% for MCC detection, and an FP rate per image of 3.27. With the UTP dataset, the methods achieved accuracy scores of 97% for breast segmentation and 91% for pectoral segmentation, a sensitivity score of 78% for MCC detection, and an FP rate per image of 0.74.
The proposed preprocessing method outperformed the state-of-the-art methods for breast segmentation and achieved relatively good results for pectoral muscle removal. Furthermore, the MCC detection module achieved the highest test accuracy in identifying potential ROIs with MCCs compared to other methods.


Machine Learning, Breast Neoplasms, Classification, Calcinosis, Diagnosis


  • Figure 1 Artefact removal steps. (A) Original image (I). (B) Binary image (B). (C) Binary frame (F). (D) After applying B ⊗ F and retaining the largest object (Bf). (E) After applying I ⊗ Bf. (F) Preprocessed image (J).

  • Figure 2 Steps 1 and 2 for pectoral muscle removal. (A) Artefact removal from the image (J). (B) Image flipping (JF). (C) Background estimation (BG); in this case, MPIV = 251. (D) After applying (JF − BG) to remove structures different from the pectoral muscle (P).

  • Figure 3 Steps 3 and 4 for pectoral muscle suppression. (A) Region-growing segmentation after perimeter fitting (Bp). (B) Pectoral muscle segmentation (BFp). (C) After applying JF ○ Bp, suppression of the pectoral muscle (Ip).

  • Figure 4 Third-order polynomial pectoral contour fitting.

  • Figure 5 Microcalcification enhancement. (A) Original ROI IROI. (B) After subtracting the background (IRBG). (C) After wavelet enhancement I′RBG. (D) After binarizing I′RBG.

  • Figure 6 Microcalcification detection result.



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