J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ.  2021 Feb;27(1):39-48. 10.5977/jkasne.2021.27.1.39.

Factors influencing dementia prevention behaviors in older Koreans enrolled in senior welfare centers

  • 1Professor, College of Nursing, Sungshin University
  • 2Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Kangwon National University
  • 3Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Gachon University


This study aimed to explore factors influencing on the preventive behaviors of dementia in older Koreans enrolled in senior welfare centers to provide basic information on dementia prevention.
A total of 182 older Koreans participated in this study, which employed a cross-sectional design. Data were collected using questionnaires with items related to general characteristics, depression, self-esteem, knowledge and attitudes about dementia, preventive behaviors of dementia, dementia management self-efficacy, and anxiety about dementia. Using SPSS WIN 23.0, data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression.
Living with a spouse (p=.013), a higher monthly income (p=.018), better nutrition (p=.010), not having a sleep disorder (p<.001), and higher number of participating programs (p=.001) were associated with better dementia prevention behaviors. Attitudes about dementia (β=.18, p=.006) and the number of programs older Koreans were participating in (β=.17, p=.006) influenced positively on the preventive behaviors of dementia, while depression (β=-.41, p<.001) and sleep disorders (β=-.17, p=.006) influenced negatively on dementia preventive behaviors. Overall, approximately 35% of the variability in dementia preventive behaviors was explained by these four variables in this study (F=24.97, p<.001).
The findings of this study suggest that depression reduction, good attitudes about dementia, program participation, and good sleep should be encouraged to promote dementia prevention. In addition, effective and structured educational programs should be developed for older Koreans to encourage dementia preventive behaviors to reduce the risk of dementia.


Dementia; Attitude; Behavior; Senior centers; Aged; 치매; 태도; 행위; 노인복지관; 노인
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