J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs.  2021 Feb;28(1):43-55. 10.7739/jkafn.2021.28.1.43.

Structural Equation Modeling on Quality of Life in Middle-Aged Women with Urinary Incontinence

  • 1Professor, Chosun Nursing College, Gwangju, Korea
  • 2Professor, College of Nursing, Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea


The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting the quality of life of middle-aged women with urinary incontinence by using Wilson and Cleary (1995)'s health-related quality of life model and previous studies. This article was done to construct a model for the collection of data on women with urinary incontinence and verifying the suitability of the model and the hypotheses presented in the model.
A total of 209 valid questionnaires which met the criteria of middle-aged women who experienced urinary incontinence was used for final analysis. The exogenous and endogenous variables of the hypothesis model consisted of age, number of delivery, menstrual status, self-esteem, social support, physical symptoms, depression, anxiety, self-care agency and quality of life. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS/WINdow 25.0 and AMOS 18.0 program.
The fitness of the modified model, x2/df=1.675, RMR=0.047, RMAEA=0.057, GFI=0.900, AGFI=0.855, NFI=0.923, TLI=0.957, CFI=0.9674. In the modified model, self-esteem showed the strongest total impact including the direct and indirect impacts on the quality of life of women with incontinence. In the result of verification of the modified model, quality of life explained by 58.8% through self-esteem, social support, self-care agency.
Efforts are needed to improve self-esteem for middle-aged women with urinary incontinence, alleviate psychological symptoms, and develop self-care agency that they can manage themselves. Various aspects of physical, mental and psychological aspects can be comprehensively assessed and utilized to develop an interactive strategy system through individual programs and social support.


Quality of life; Self care; Self concept; Social support; 삶의 질, 자가 간호, 자아개념, 사회적 지지
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