J Korean Acad Soc Nurs Educ.  2020 Nov;26(4):374-382. 10.5977/jkasne.2020.26.4.374.

Profile of the accelerated second-degree bachelor of science in nursing program graduates and analysis of relative efficiency of programs

  • 1Graduate Student, Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Yonsei University
  • 2Associate Professor, College of Nursing․Mo-Im Kim Nursing Research Institute, Yonsei University
  • 3RN, Severance Hospital․Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Yonsei University
  • 4Assistant Professor, Red Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University
  • 5Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Pai Chai University


The purpose of this study was to describe the profile of graduates from accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs and to analyze the relative efficiency of nursing colleges using data envelopment analysis.
An online survey link was emailed to the deans of nursing colleges, who were then asked to send the link to graduates of the respective colleges. The survey questionnaire included demographics, reasons for applying to the accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, employment after graduation, and nursing career satisfaction.
Sixty-two graduates of the accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing program responded to the survey. The mean age at admission was 24.28 (± 3.01) years. Reasons for applying to the accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing program were primarily increasing job security and using it as a stepping stone to another career. Nursing career job satisfaction was 4.81 (± 1.07) and more than 82% recommended this program. The data envelopment analysis found the average efficiency score to be 0.84 (± 0.20) and 4 nursing colleges to be relatively efficient.
The accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing program can be considered to be an effective means to produce quality nurses with non-nursing bachelor degrees in a short time; however, outcomes of this program need to be systematically monitored to maintain quality level. Through this, competent nurses with knowledge of adjacent studies will be added to the nursing workforce.


Accelerated second-degree bachelor of science in nursing program; Nursing education; Relative efficiency; Data envelopment analysis; 학사 편입학; 간호교육; 상대적 효율성; 자료 포락 분석
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