Anat Cell Biol.  2020 Sep;53(3):369-371. 10.5115/acb.20.096.

Reunification of a split sciatic nerve

  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, Tulane Center for Clinical Neurosciences, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA
  • 2Department of Structural & Cellular Biology, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA
  • 3Department of Neurosurgery and Ochsner Neuroscience Institute, Ochsner Health System, New Orleans, LA, USA
  • 4Department of Anatomical Sciences, St. George’s University, St. George’s, Grenada, West Indies


Sciatic nerve (SN) variaitons can result in interesting clinical presentations. We identified a SN variant that does not fit into preexisting classification schemes. In an adult male cadaver, the SN was found to divide proximally and partly exit through the piriformis muscle. Distal to the piriformis, the two parts of the SN were reunited. Although apparently extremely rare, such a finding should be added to the archives of anatomical variations.


Anatomy; Anatomic variation; Cadaver; Sciatic nerve


  • Fig. 1 Gluteal and posterior thigh regions on the right side. The GM is reflected laterally. The superior part (CFN) of the sciatic nerve is seen piercing the PM (yellow arrow) and the inferior root (TN) runs below the inferior border of the PM (red arrow). Note the Cb between the two. Cb, communicating branch; CFN, common fibular nerve; GM, gluteus maximus; PM, piriformis muscle; TN, tibial nerve.

Cited by  1 articles

An anomalous pseudoganglion associated with high division of sciatic nerve
Alka Vithalrao Bhingardeo, Ayush Amlan, Mrudula Chandrupatla, Shailaja Prabhala, Shrinivas Somalwar
Anat Cell Biol. 2024;57(2):320-323.    doi: 10.5115/acb.23.252.



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