J Cerebrovasc Endovasc Neurosurg.  2020 Sep;22(3):182-189. 10.7461/jcen.2020.22.3.182.

Cervical spinal extradural arteriovenous fistula successfully treated using transarterial balloon-assisted coil embolization

  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea


We present the case of a patient who developed compressive radiculopathy that was found to be associated with a spinal extradural arteriovenous fistula. The fistula was successfully obliterated with transarteiral balloon-assisted coiling, after which the patient was symptom-free. Although spinal extradural arteriovenous fistula is rare, this pathology should be considered in the differential diagnosis of spinal radiculopathy or myelopathy. Endovascular treatment appears to have been successful in resolving the symptoms associated with this pathology.


Spinal extradural arteriovenous fistula; Vertebral arteriovenous fistula; Endovascular treatment; Transarterial embolization; Balloon-assisted coiling


  • Fig. 1 Axial T2-weighted cervical spine magnetic resonance shows abnormal flow voids on the right C5–6 (A) and C4–5 (B) intervertebral foramina. Abnormally dilated right C5–6 intervertebral vein is seen entering the right ventral epidural space within the vertebral canal (arrow). The right anterior internal vertebral venous plexus compresses the nerve root passing the C4–5 intervertebral foramen (arrowhead). However, the image does not show any deviation due to spinal cord compression or high signal intensity in spinal cord.

  • Fig. 2 (A) Maximum intensity projection reconstruction of neck carotid magnetic resonance angiography shows dilated intervertebral veins (arrows) and anterior internal vertebral venous plexus (arrowheads) in the cervical spine from C1 to C6. (B) Volume-rendered images of neck carotid computed tomographic angiography reveal a fistulous connection between the extraosseous right vertebral artery (arrow) and its adjacent vertebral vein (arrowhead) just before entry into C6 transverse foramen.

  • Fig. 3 Digital subtraction angiography of the right vertebral artery (VA). (A) The high-flow fistula occurring directly on the right VA at the C6–7 level flows backward to the adjacent extradural venous plexus. (B) Distal flow in the right VA is poor beyond the fistula in the anteroposterior view, but the right posterior inferior cerebellar artery is properly opacified. (C) Marked dilation of vertebral vein (arrow) and anterior internal vertebral venous plexus (arrowheads) is observed in the lateral view.

  • Fig. 4 (A) A 6-Fr guiding catheter inserted into the right femoral artery was delivered to the right vertebral artery to obliterate the fistula. (B) A 1.7-Fr microcatheter and 0.014 inch microwire were entered into the oval venous pouch of the right vertebral vein, and a 4×15 mm balloon inflation was performed in front of the fistula orifice during embolization. (C) As the five varied sizes of detachable coils were carefully deployed, blood flow to the fistula was gradually decreased. (D) Post-embolization angiography after balloon deflation showed total obliteration of the fistula.

  • Fig. 5 Since the procedure, the patient has been in clinical follow-ups through outpatient department, and neck carotid computed tomographic angiography performed after 24 months showed no signs of fistula recurrence.


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