Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev.  2020 Jun;25(1):29-39. 10.14192/kjicp.2020.25.1.29.

A Study on the Knowledge and Performance Status for Healthcare- Associated Infection Control and Prevention in Caregivers

  • 1Department of Infection Control, Yeungnam University Yeongcheon Hospital, Yeongcheon, Korea
  • 2Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University Hospital2, Daegu, Korea


This study aimed to provide basic data for policy making and the improvement of infection control-related business practices, to standardize caregivers’ duties and qualification requirements by investigating their knowledge about infection control, their performance levels for infection control activities, and characteristics relating to infection control.
The subjects of the study were 199 caregivers belonging to a caregiving organization in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, and the data were collected using a structured questionnaire.
The mean score of caregivers’ infection control knowledge levels was 25.64±2.77 points on a full score of 29, and the mean score of infection control performance levels was 4.33±0.61 points on a full score of 5. Thus, their infection control knowledge levels had an influence on their performance levels, and their explanatory power was 11.2%.
It is necessary to regularly monitor the infection control activities of caregivers and to provide a plan to raise awareness of the feedback process and infection control, along with the provision of systematic infection control training and the development of an evaluation process to enhance their infection control knowledge levels.


Caregivers; Healthcare-associated infection control; Knowledge; Performance

Cited by  1 articles

Pilot Study of Healthcare-associated Infections Surveillance System in Long-term Care Facilities
Sung-Ran Kim, Kyung-Sook Cha, Jae Yeun Kim, Bo Ram Oh, Hyeon Mi Yoo, Nan-Hyoung Cho, Jong-Rim Choi, Ji-Youn Choi, Si-Hyeon Han, Hyuk Ga, Mi Suk Lee
Korean J Healthc Assoc Infect Control Prev. 2022;27(2):153-161.    doi: 10.14192/kjicp.2022.27.2.153.


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